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About Me

Hi, my name is Kelton Campos! I have been a student at Wakefield for 14 years and the completion of this thesis marks the saddening yet blissful end of my tenure. Next year I will be attending the University of Virginia’s College of Arts and Sciences. At the commencement of my senior year, a year that I like to allude to as “the last dance,” I was incredibly intrigued by the freedom I would be provided not only regarding my topic but the assignments themselves. Growing up in a religious household, I was always involved with a Catholic church near our house; taking classes, participating in fundraisers and other sorts of charitable events, and, of course, regularly attending church. As a result, I became incredibly fascinated with religion, even with those outside of the boundary of faith outlined by my family. At first, I thought I would examine the plethora of ideals surrounding the afterlife; philosophical, scientific, religious. However, as the year went on and the assignments surrounding the thesis came and went, I found myself not exactly focusing solely on the afterlife. Rather, my assignments focused on different facets of religion; the similarities between different faiths, the historical shift of polytheism to monotheism and the positive and negative impacts of religion on society. Although I also dabbled into my personal experience of religion in my fifth assignment, I would largely view my thesis as an overview of religion.

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